
TikTok Star Ali Abulaban Confesses To Killing Wife & Man

Abulaban’s defense team argued that he was “out of his mind” when he committed the murders. He stated that he was “double-nostril-ing” cocaine just before entering the residence.

Ali testified that he was staying at a hotel to give his wife “space.” Prosecutors argued that Ana forced him to leave after she caught him cheating. The TikToker sent flowers and groceries on the day of the murders as a kind gesture. He said Ana acknowledged the groceries but mentioned nothing of the flowers. After driving to the apartment, he saw that the flowers were “crushed” under her make-up bag and concluded that she got dolled up to “go see somebody.” He was already high on cocaine at this time, he admitted.

Abulaban then recorded himself in the apartment, stating, “She’s cheating. She’s cheating on me! Oh my god, she’s f****** lying. She’s f****** lying.” Ali testified, “That set me off.” Furthermore, he decided to use his daughter’s iPad to download a recording app to “catch” Ana having sex. He hid it in a “discreet” location in her bedroom. Then, Abulaban returned to his hotel and fell asleep, but he was awoken by a man’s laughter and Ana’s voice.

Here’s How The Murders Allegedly Occurred

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